
Top Best Blogging Platforms and Blog Sites To Go For in 2021

The Best Blogging Platforms and Blog Sites for 2020 | 2021


With regards to creating your own blog, you have two choices:

The first is to assemble a website and host your blog there. Building your own website and blogging on it is the outdated method to construct a blog. You have two different ways to do this:

  • Utilize a simple website builder like Wix.

  • Use WordPress which comes with your web hosting platform.

This requires more work forthright yet you'll own and control your site totally.

The other choice is to utilize a blogging platform like Medium, LinkedIn, Facebook, or Instagram. Regardless of whether a portion of these platforms isn't in fact blog platforms, you can get accomplishment from them by regarding them as websites. It's significantly simpler to get before a large number of individuals and takes under 15 minutes to set up. The downside is that you'll be obliged to their standards and calculations.

Therefore, we eventually suggest you use Wix in case you're a learner of blogging. It's simple, adaptable, and you have more command over your substance.

In this guide, I'll split down how to set up your blog and assist you with picking which blog website, programming, or blogging platform is best for you. We should get to it.


The Top 6 Best Blogging Platforms and Blog Sites for 2020 | 2021

Here are our inside and out audits of the most well-known blog platforms.

Wix – Best Website Builder for Blogging Sites for 2021





Wix is the best website builder for blogging. No inquiry.

This is a simple course for building a blog. Thusly, it's a nearby sprinter up to WordPress for the best blog platform.

Wix Blog Templates

Wix offers you delightful formats for a blog. Effectively alter any website page with their intuitive proofreader.

The blog administrator is likewise basic and instinctive, with examination and SEO constructed directly in. It's easy to add the fundamental highlights you may need on your blog as well: social instruments, likes, comments, hashtags, categories, and subscriber forms.


Editing a Wix Blog

All of the SEO highlights you require are anything but difficult to get to as well: alt labels for your pictures, inward connections, SEO titles and portrayals (that are unique in relation to your post title), and nofollow labels for outside connections. Wix websites have a programmed email membership include and a web-based media bar underneath each article for sharing on Facebook, Twitter, and more.

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To fabricate a blog on Wix, you'll sign into your record and pick a layout. There's a Blog format class, which is an extraordinary spot to begin. When you have your format chosen, I recommend refreshing the textual style, shadings, and logo to customize your layout and assist it with standing out from the rest.

Create a blog post with Wix


Composing a post is as straightforward as clicking Create a Post, composing, and adding pictures. You can spare drafts, or even give different givers composing advantages for your site. This is all similarly as simple from a cell phone as from a work area — no application required.

Ensure that you update your SEO settings for each post: this is what's introduced in the indexed lists page and is basic for positioning in natural pursuit.

The subsequent post will have a programmed perused time tally, like a Medium post right close to the creator's name, which I additionally like a ton. I likewise like the capacity to live-talk with your perusers in the Wix application. On the off chance that you assemble a genuine network in your blog or are available to addressing peruser inquiries continuously — state about an online course you're offering or an online course that is coming up — at that point, it's a cool element.


Advantages and disadvantages of Creating a Wix Blog

Wix is an incredible choice on the off chance that you need a straightforward, yet amazing blogging platform. With its intuitive website builder, it's a simple alternative in case you're hoping to have your blog on your own webpage, as opposed to on a blog platform or administration like Medium or another type of web-based media.

The downside is you'll be paying a membership charge and you'll be secured in Wix's subjects and devices. Thus, you'll exchange some comfort for some adaptability. For most clients, we think this compromise is justified, despite all the trouble.


WordPress with Bluehost Hosting – Best Blogging Software for Flexibility

Bluehost Review: The Most Solid Analysis of 2020 (Competitors Inside)





WordPress is basically one of the most popular website builders out there.

That is on the grounds that it's exceptionally adaptable and incredible. Regardless of what you need from your blog, it very well may be finished with WordPress.

To fabricate your own website, you'll need to purchase an area name, get web facilitating, and set up your WordPress account.

There's more data on our post The Best Web Hosting and on The Best Web Hosting for WordPress, which is tied in with choosing an oversaw have that is intended for WordPress.

The snappy answer: Go with Bluehost.

Not exclusively is Bluehost one of the most mainstream webs has, it's additionally instant for WordPress. They even suggest utilizing Bluehost as a facilitating alternative.

With only a single tick, you'll have the option to get your WordPress site ready for action in no time.

Primary concern: If you're making a WordPress website, make it with Bluehost.

The backend of WordPress blog entry

You should invest energy in designing your site, which incorporates picking a subject, arranging it, setting up your WordPress settings, adding SEO WordPress modules, getting all your substance transferred. For first-time bloggers, it very well may be overpowering.

That is the compromise with WordPress. It'll do anything you need yet it requires some investment to learn than a simpler platform like Wix.

One significant thing we ought to likewise specify is WordPress's consistent reconciliations with deals channels apparatuses, for example, Salesforce or Hubspot. It'll work with these instruments to assist you with social affair leads and transform them into paying, fulfilled clients.

READ ALSO: How to Start a WordPress Blog the RIGHT WAY in 7 Easy Steps

Upsides and downsides of Blogging with WordPress

The primary motivation to utilize WordPress is for its total versatility. Regardless of what you need to construct or how large you get, WordPress can handle it.

They have plugins and widgets for every need. And on the off chance that you truly need it, you can begin changing the code yourself. WordPress is open-source which implies you can do anything you desire with it. On the off chance that you know PHP or are happy to recruit an engineer, you can change WordPress any way you like.

Additionally, WordPress is unbelievably mainstream. That implies in the event that you have any inquiries, there's likely a wide assortment of tips, stunts, and arrangements you can discover on the web.

There is a trick: You need to learn WordPress, the plugins, your theme, and how to compose posts well. It's a ton to take in when building your first site. In the event that you simply need to dispatch your webpage so you can begin blogging immediately, WordPress won't be the least demanding alternative.


Medium – Best Traditional Blogging Site

Medium is home to more than 60 million clients. These bloggers and content creators focus on crafting niche content for users to settle down and read.

I burrow it. The platform was established by Twitter's fellow benefactor and previous CEO Evan Williams as a reaction to the hyper-short constraints of Twitter, subsequently the name Medium.

Medium is the place where you can discover the absolute most provocative, combustible substance on the web. Their articles have a higher roof for virality, and you can exploit numerous networks of devoted perusers.

From individual experience, I realize that when I read on Medium, I read with interest and goal. I'm prepared to invest some effort perusing. It likewise enables that them to give you a gauge of what amount of time it'll require to peruse the article.

Posting with Medium is too straightforward as well. There's a clean, white WYSIWYG (what you see is the thing that you get) manager. Essentially, as you type, you see what the post will resemble when it's distributed.

You'll discover that tips and stunts to design your post are a little covered up in the effortlessness of the interface.

Try not to stop now however. Rather than simply a profile, I suggest making a Medium Publication. This gives you the choice to add different journalists and editors to your blog. All the more critically, it gives you a lot more options for controlling what is essentially your blog homepage.


Above, a consecutive stream of your posts. This is all you’ll get with a Medium profile.
Below, the more magazine-style layout you’ll get with a Medium publication. 

One is a straightforward ordered feed and the other is a planned page with valuable menu alternatives. At the point when you make a distribution like REI's, you likewise open the capacity to send a pamphlet to the entirety of your supporters.

Pro Tips for Blogging on Medium

  • If you are syndicating your actual blog, use the Import feature. This is essential for SEO.

  • To start a bulleted list, simply type an asterisk or a dash.

  • There are two types of quotes. Use a block quote by clicking the quote icon once. Click it again for a pull quote.

  • Drop caps add a little editorial weight. To make the first letter of your paragraph larger, and give it that designed look, highlight the letter. The option will appear.

  • Use TK to leave yourself notes. This is an old journalism trick — there are no words with TK in them in the English language. If you’re writing something that needs a placeholder, use TK and Medium will alert you if you try to publish with one still in place.


Upsides and downsides of a Medium Blog

Medium is the best all-around conventional blogging platform. It's the place where most of the users who’re looking to read classic blog-style posts are right now.

It's the ideal platform for in the event that you have a ton to state — and you need a crowd of people to make your substance must-peruse each day or week.

The downside is incorporated into the decision of picking to make your own blog or construct one on a platform — you won't own the traffic and you won't have the option to do things like sell advertisement positions, for instance.

Choosing to blog on WordPress versus Medium isn't an either-or decision. You can likewise publish your site and re-publish some posts on Medium to take advantage of its benefits, much the same as you would any partnership bargain. You can mindfully move toward this, however, there are some specialized how-tos we'll get into beneath.

You'll have to import your presents on Medium appropriately and set the standard tag so that you're not punished by Google (to say the least) or simply out-ranked by the Medium version of the post (at best). Generally speaking, however, I want to consider each to be a different channel and make and create and publish unique content for that channel.


LinkedIn – Best Blog Site for Business

LinkedIn is likely the most famous informal community for experts, everything being equal.

They brag in excess of 590 million clients, and 154 million of them in the US. And a great deal of them are dynamic with 44% are month to month dynamic clients.

LinkedIn used to be fundamentally a resume facilitating platform. From numerous points of view, it was like an occupation chasing dating application: you'd go on in the event that you were hoping to recruit or hoping to get employed yet very little else. Over the most recent couple of years that has changed drastically.

Publishing blog on LinkedIn

In case you're building a business blog, the crowd on LinkedIn is excellent: 45% of LinkedIn article perusers are in upper-level positions (supervisors, VPs, Directors, C-level).

In an article for Forbes, "Is LinkedIn Poised To Be The Next Big Social Network … For Brands?", Ryan Holmes nailed what's incredible about the platform, "In-your-face LinkedIn clients realize that there's a sure warm polished skill that underlies numerous trades on the platform. So, LinkedIn offers a sort of soundness, consideration, and genuine worth that is woefully required on some social platforms."

I totally agree. The platform has an instant culture and set of desires that a business blogger would fantasy about making on their own webpage. Why construct it when it as of now exists?

LinkedIn is an informal organization. Your impact fills in relation to the size of your organization. The more posts you publish, the more association solicitations and supporters you'll pull in.

Composing reliably expands your organization, however it additionally strengthens the message about the profundity and broadness of your insight into the subjects that you expound on. — Glenn Leibowitz, "10 Tips for Writing LinkedIn Blog Posts That Expand Your Influence" for Inc.

Publishing doesn't make you a LinkedIn Influencer, shockingly. That is a hand-chose gathering of individuals that turns during the time "to incorporate just the most connected with, productive, and smart benefactors and to guarantee that their skill coordinates our individuals' advantages," as per LinkedIn.

An article is definitely not a post and the other way around. A post is a more modest update you'd share with your feed and associations. Think brisk story or professional tip. They're restricted to 1,300 characters, which is around 5 lines. Articles are longer and more top to bottom. They're something that the more extensive LinkedIn crowd would be keen on perusing. An individual who peruses your article can likewise follow you from that point, so they'll be alarmed when you publish your next article. Any articles you publish will show up in the Articles segment of your LinkedIn profile.


Pro Tips for Blogging on LinkedIn

  • Be clear about who you are and what you’ll be talking about it. Stick to that topic and don’t stray.

  • Post regularly. Even posting once or twice a month — consistently over time — will add up. Twice a month is 48 times a year. In five years, you’ll have nearly 250 posts. That’s huge.

  • Share drafts with colleagues and friends for feedback.

  • Use the stats related to your posts as a tool: create more of what’s working, less of what’s not.

Need to improve? Look at LinkedIn's own seminar on improving at blogging on the platform, Writing to be Heard on LinkedIn. Since when they own the platform, what's beneficial for them is an effective substance that individuals need to peruse and draw in with.


Advantages and disadvantages of Blogging on LinkedIn

On the off chance that you're blogging about business, or something related, like administration, at that point I'd state to fabricate your blog on LinkedIn. There's a prior network of individuals there discussing those subjects and prepared to peruse your posts as well. You'll have the option to fabricate business supporters, which is not the same as a "association."

The crowd on LinkedIn is superior: 45% of LinkedIn article perusers are in upper-level positions: chiefs, VPs, Directors, and C-level. In case you're building thought authority, brand worth, or network, instead of attempting to bring in cash, I prescribe going to where your crowd is as opposed to attempting to charm them over to where you are. Fabricate content for them where they as of now are and they'll cherish you for it.

You'll have the option to construct your organization and your business openings, yet like all blog platforms, the cons here are that you're obligated to the calculation and don't own the website or the traffic.

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Instagram – Best Blog Site for Creatives

Instagram is fundamentally visual — the feed is all the pictures or recordings, and almost no of the subtitles. You can utilize the subtitle field for your content, and clients like a long inscription. You'll be covered at 2,200 characters or around 300 words.

Instagram is great if what you're sharing is visual: a way of life, workmanship, dance. Or on the other hand if there's some method to share it outwardly like in a how-to little video.

Truth be told, from multiple points of view, Instagram has executed the whole class of way of life blogging.
It's become significantly harder for upstart "bloggers" in the swarmed at this point rewarding style, excellence, wellbeing, and way of life spaces to fabricate a pursuing revolved around their own blog. Simultaneously, web-based media platforms have given influencers an ever increasing number of devices—including internet business, gatherings, and direct informing—to keep them (and their supporters) from going somewhere else on the web.

— Rosie Spinks, "Instagram Has Killed the Art of Lifestyle Blogging" on Quartzy

Instagram is so acceptable since it's difficult to need to go anyplace else. The downside is certainly that you're under obligation to the calculation and the feed, and the progressions the platform makes. On the other side, you additionally don't need to be the item director, enlist a designer, or construct a crowd of people without any preparation. You'll need to gauge the upsides and downsides yourself.

You can likewise have video blogs on Instagram Live — just tap the camera symbol (upper left of the screen, or by swiping directly from the Feed) and tap Live at the base. At the point when you're prepared to really go live, it's as straightforward as tapping Go Live. You'll have the option to see the number of watchers you have at the highest point of the screen and remarks will fly in at the base. At the point when you're set, tap End. From here, I suggest tapping "Spare" to spare it to your camera roll and tapping "Offer" to add it to your story. It'll live there for 24 hours to be replayed by any individual who wasn't around when it was in reality live.


Pro Tips for Instagram Blogs

  • Pick a good name that’s catchy and easy to type — your name should make it clear what your whole feed is about.

  • Stick to a niche.

  • Have a visual point of view.

  • Don’t stray. If you’re an artist, don’t post pictures of your salad for lunch. If you’re a food blogger, think twice before you post photos of your doodles.

  • Post regularly! And engage.

You can just have one connection in your profile, however, with something like Linktree, you can add more connections. I don't believe it's an extraordinary thought to fabricate a blog someplace planning to get your perusers or supporters to move from that point to elsewhere on the normal. It's practical to get your Instagram devotees to likewise buy into your bulletin, however it's not generally consistent to trust they'll leave Instagram after every post and go read your blog. They're looking through Instagram, doing whatever it takes not to peruse your website.

Consider your own conduct here — what amount of energy does it take to get you to follow a connection that leads from the platform you're in? As far as I might be concerned, it takes a great deal of work. There must be something I truly need to purchase, or outrageously need to peruse.

All things considered, I'll follow somebody on Instagram for some time and then one day I'll purchase something from that individual, or follow them elsewhere. Instagram, and all blogging truly, is tied in with making a relationship with individuals who're perusing your posts. When that relationship is sufficient, at that point individuals will be keen on going any place you're taking them. Up to that point, you'll need to convey that relationship inside the platform itself.


Advantages and disadvantages of an Instagram "Blog"

In the event that you're innovative — particularly in a visual field, at that point, your blog should be an Instagram account. You can post pictures of your work and utilize the inscription field for your composed post. In case you're not used to this thought, it may appear to be somewhat goofy: That's not a genuine blog. In any case, it is. Individuals read Instagram inscriptions of the records they follow like they'd read a blog — and your visual work will be all around featured in your feed and the overall feed. The cons are obvious: you'll need to follow the Instagram design, and are dependent upon the feed's calculation. It's not difficult to adapt your Instagram feed, but rather you'll be restricted to those that you can include in a picture or inscription. All of the adaptation openings will require to be locally coordinated.


Facebook – Biggest Blog Audience

1.49 billion day by day dynamic clients is a number significant. The number of those dynamic clients will make it to your page or your post, well that is another inquiry.

Natural reach on Facebook was once not quite a wild goal, but rather in 2016 there was an immense reduction in natural reach. SocialFlow found that brands saw a 42% decrease in natural reach over Q1 and Q2 2016.

The least demanding approach to fabricate a blog on Facebook is to make a gathering or a page for your business or brand. From that point, your posts will in a real sense be Facebook posts.

To make it simpler to post and handle every one of your associations in a single spot, I suggest utilizing the Facebook Creator Studio. It's an across-the-board dashboard for publishing and dissecting your substance. In case you're new to Facebook and are truly utilizing it as an exemplary blog platform, you'll need to make Notes. These are the nearest things to websites: a header picture, a title, and text down the center.

From here you can likewise go live, post recordings, gifs, surveys, proposals — any sort of Facebook post you've seen you can make from this dashboard. You can even spare, plan, and predate posts.

Upsides and downsides of Blogging on Facebook

Obviously, Facebook is the juggernaut in the room. It has the biggest crowd of any of these platforms. Making a Facebook page may be all you require to construct a blog — post on Facebook like you would on your blog and fabricate your crowd in that general area on your page. The remarks and cooperations on Facebook are far better than a conventional blog. You can truly zero in on building genuine fans on Facebook.

The cons of Facebook have truly been impacted through the media recently. There are protection worries, there's the issue of an ever-changing and very clandestine calculation and the entirety of that. You presumably as of now have an assessment of Facebook — let that illuminate your choice here.

In the event that you construct your blog on a solitary platform that you don't own, well, at that point you've assembled your blog on a solitary platform you don't own. That implies you're indebted to someone else's business and their calculation for your business. What's useful for their business and calculation may not be what's useful for yours. That is the reason I state in case you're here to bring in cash, you should own your site. You'll have more control.



How to Choose the Best Blogging Platform for You

To figure out the right platform for you, we need to take a look at two very important questions: Do you want to make money and what’s your blogging niche?

You'll also need to think about what kind of blog you want to create, now and in the future. As your blog grows, you may want to change the look of your site and add more features for your growing audience. That means it's important to choose a blogging platform that's flexible, with room to grow.